Thursday, April 2, 2009

What Effects Energy Prices?

- Natural gas prices
- Cold weather
- Heat waves
- Historical usage patterns
- Historical usage volume
- Market timing
- Heat rates
- Geopolitical Uncertainty
- Coal prices
- Contract language
- Contract term
- Oil prices
- Hurricanes
- Tropical storms
- Pipeline disturbances
- Liquefied natural gas shipments
- Hedge fund trading activity
- Electricity commodity
- Congestion
- Capacity Constraints
- Transmission costs
- Line loss charges
- Ancillary services
- Delivery charges
- Meter fees
- Reserve margin levels
- Index pricing
- Retirement of power plants
- State and Federal legislation
- Rate cap expirations
- Speculators
- After market trading

Tags: James Mathers, Jimmy Mathers, Jim Mathers, Consumer Energy Solutions, Customer Acquisition Specialists of America, energy, sales, engineer, Fu Mei, business, finance, money, president, CEO, owner, ConsumerEnergySolutions, CES, JimMathers

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